Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Evening Silence

One more Sunday down, thousands to go. Oh my. I am tired. In case you were wondering, school starts in two weeks. HALLELUJAH! Summer swim is over. The best part about it....Tyler's tiny swim trunks ( you would not believe how small they are!) You gotta love swim cap goggle smiles. SOOOOOO attractive!
When I lay in bed at night I think of really great posting ideas then when I sit down at the computer I forget them all. Oh well I will try again next time!
To the people in CANADA.
Dear tourists,
Puhlease bring us back our favorite candy know what they are! Don't disappoint. Oh yes, one more thing. Gracie is walking.
the bytes

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We have always said she should have two birthdays!

July 6, 2009
We're home! Last NICU photo!

I walked in the door tonight carrying Gracie on my shoulder. Earlier that day my mom had reminded me that today was the one year anniversary for bringing Gracie home from the hospital. During some quiet moments that I had this afternoon (while my kids were at the pool with my neighbor.) I thought about last year. What was going on in my mind, and how we ever survived. I think about "last year" Andrea and wondered how I ever came home and took care of such a fragile infant. I know that I did it, but can't imagine how. My mom reminded me how in tune Ben was and still is to Gracie and her needs. If it wasn't for the spreadsheet he created I don't know how we would have kept track of everything. He always knew what she needed and when. What a difference a year makes. Just like all the other milestones we hit, I say again "we did it!" She is talking and getting ready to walk and looks like a string bean, there is no meat on her bones! What a lucky family we are to get her and be able to reflect on the greatest blessings we have been given. One year ago today I carried her through the door all snug in her car seat. Overjoyed and overwhelmed at the same time. What a great combination of senses to have to really make you aware of your surroundings. And perhaps the best coming home from the hospital birthday present I could receive...(besides Grace, my family, my health, you get the picture)...getting to teach school again! I received the official word today! Hallelujah!!!!!