Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fly on the wall

Tonight I stood outside Lindsey and Emilys bedroom door and listened in on their conversation. Emily is going to have 12 kids. 10 girls 2 boys. She then proceeded to tell Lindsey the names she has been thinking about. Paige, Angelina, Izzy, Anna, Maribelle, Mon, Leah, Daniella, Kayla, Shannon. Chad for a boy and she is undecided on the last one. Lindsey loves the name Paige and is trying to trade Emily for another name so she can use it. She has even gone as far as to say "I am older than you, so I am going to have kids before you and I am going to take it!" The concensus tonight is that it is a lot easier to come up with girl names. Lindsey wants 5 kids. Oliver and Evangeline and hopefully Emily will give up Paige. She is working on the other two. Ben asked if I used to talk about the names I would name my kids when I was little. Doesn't every little girl? I can vaguely remember my "Mc" phase. Mckayla, Mckenna, Mckay... I loved being a fly on the wall tonight listening to my girls.
Last night I walked into the room to find this. Ahhhh contentment. You gotta love a binkie falling out of a sleeping babies mouth. And the lips, Bens lips. It is the only feature we recognize on our children during the ultrasound. The Brown lips. They all have them. Gracie has finally started to roll the last two days. Poor thing rolls as far as her oxygen cord allows and then gets hung up.


  1. And on that note I am going to bed! Thanks for the stuff of which pleasant dreams are made. I love your little family. (Even if Emily tells me I have a fat behind - I will use a more dignified word than she did.)

  2. Wow, Emily, 12 kids! Mon and Izzy sure are interesting names! I hope you get Paige! I love you!
    Aunt Rachel

  3. That is awesome. I don't remember the names I liked as a child, except Bobby Joe...oh wait, YOU made me name him that! ha ha

  4. I love hearing your children's tales! I too talked about names. The only one I used was Alyssa. I really liked Bonnie for a long time, because that was my best friends oldest sisters name! Whew, glad I out grew that!

  5. I have'nt been keeping up on blogs lately..... So I looked at this picure and wondered why Gracie was on oxygen again? I had to go back a few post's. Poor Gracie! I am glad to hear that you and she are doing good through this.Spring and then summer are just around the corner, and hopefully this will not be as big of an issue! Keep looking for those small blessings! ps thanks for sharing you always make me tear up!
