Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 1
2 pounds 2 ounces Day 365
15 pounds 11 ounces
Oh what a difference a year makes.

Birthday Itinerary:
1.Visit to NICU to deliver presents to the babies and nurses

2. See Dr. Rideout. Check me out, my head shape looks great...I have fat on my thighs!

3.See Dr. Eggert. I think he is great, I only want the men to hold me!

3.See the nurses. Not so sure about this, please give me back to the doctors!

4.Let my mom reconnect with her friends from the NICU. She loves them for taking such good care of me!

5.I love the respiratory therapists beard. Hanging with my pal Dr. Rideout.

6.Eating at Jimmy Johns. My mom ate a freakin ammount of these sandwiches while she was in the hospital! And yes, Eliza did eat the whole sandwich!

7.Mom and dad went out for Thai food to celebrate making it through this year. The kids ate hot dogs with Grandma. I ate prunes :(
8.Opening presents. Everyone helped me. New toys to crawl after because I do that now, although my mom says my crawling looks more like yoga positions. I say, you try getting your arms and legs to move at the same time while trying to get your new present!

9.Birthday shirt that I will pass on to Sig (I like that it is pink, and no one will forget your birthday which we all know means more presents!)

10.Happy Birthday to me. Cha cha cha!

11.GOOD. That's all I have to say about that!

12.The people I love the most!

We cannot believe that one year ago we were blessed to have Gracie join our family. We know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us and we feel so blessed to have experienced part of it. We know that Gracie is here doing remarkably well because of the prayers from our family and friends. We thank you for remembering us. People ask me all the time, "how is she REALLY doing?" To that I say, perfect.


  1. Happy Birthday Gracie baby! I am so glad that you are in our family and I love you so much!!
    Love, Aunt Rachel

  2. Happy Birthday Grace! I didn't realize she was born on my nephew's birthday (Josh- 7 today)! I love the pictures... and can I just say that I love that you had a simple cake? It seems like everyone tries to be their own "Ace of Cakes" and does something outrageous for their baby. I like it simple. =)

  3. Yay Grace! Good job on getting to one year and having some fat on your thighs, don't we all wish that our doctor would tell us that is a good thing? haha:) I sure love you little girl:) Syd says thanks for the birthday shirt, she can hardly wait until October to wear it!

  4. Yup...a proper celebration! Happy Birthday to all of you!
