Wednesday, October 7, 2009

dog strollers and hot lava

Today I was looking on for birthday presents for Lindsey and Emily. I don't leave the house that much with Gracie, so I am hoping to find everything I want online. Wish me luck! Lindsey handed me a birthday wish list the other night. One of the items she wishes for is a "carrie okie" machine. Since I know she loves to sing I thought this would be a great present. The only problem was I didn't know how to spell it. I typed in what I thought was right and started my search, this is what I found. At first I thought to myself "I haven't seen a stroller with a built in net before." Then I looked closer. Its a dog stroller. WHAT! Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of walking your dog? My next thought was "hmmm, that would actually keep my kid from climbing out." Just put em in and zip em up! Brilliant! I think I would zip tie the zipper pull so they really couldn't get out! I did see a show the other night on TLC about people who have monkeys for babies. And since people frequently tell me that my babies look like monkeys I just had to watch. One of the ladies had her monkey in a stroller like this one. People would come up to admire her "baby" and recoil in horror. Pretty sad! I wonder what people would do if they saw my kid in one of those?!
For your information I did find a karaoke machine (after calling sara to see how you spell it.) I am still looking for a unicycle for Emily (seriously, that was on her list!)
After the birthday shopping I started to get ready for 4:00. What's 4:00 you ask? Well it's when Oprah comes on. Just for the record I used to watch Oprah All the time when Lindsey was a baby. Then with the birth of each child she was phased out to Blues Clues, Charlie and Lola, and my personal favorite Spongebob Square Pants. Today she was going to have a guest on that I really admire. I was dying to see it. I set the DVR last night. I had my dinner ready to go in the oven (sweet and sour chicken, cousins you should make this from our cookbook, yum) I had said hello to all the kids and given them a snack and sent them out the door to play. I sat down to nurse Gracie and turned on Oprah when the back door opened. All the kids filed back in, its too cold outside! I looked, it was 60 glorious degrees. My kids have problems. They will play outside when it is 115 degrees. The minute it drops past 79 they have to pull out the winter clothes. I paused the show. Set them up with movie. Settled back in and wham! Tyler drops a full container of family sized yogurt all over the carpet. I held it together and cleaned it up, asked why he would carry the yogurt around (he doesn't know) and settled back in. By now poor Gracie was starving. I watched half of the show and it was amazing! Then I heard a ruckus and went to look. This is what I found. Eliza standing in the middle of hot lava! The pillows are the rocks the floor is hot lava. Imagine three kids bounding from the furniture to the pillows!

It was over, my carefully planned afternoon. Don't worry I finished watching it after they all went to bed. As for Oprahs guest. Do you read Nie Nie? If you don't you should. She has truly inspired me. More to come!


  1. I totally read Nie Nie! I was sad that I could not watch her on Oprah today. Your kids are so creative. Remember when the red carpet squares at Grandma Wilkey's were hot lava and we could not step on them? Also, just so you know when you called me to ask how to spell karaoke I looked it up on, I am not as smart as you think...just to clear that up. And I feel bad for the monkey lady. Remember when GG used to go on a walk with a rock in her stroller and people would want to look at her "baby" haha:)

  2. I love that Emily wants a unicycle for her birthday. Where has she even heard of one?

  3. I wrote on my calendar to watch Oprah that day and completely forgot till it was 40 minutes in (those are the times I really wish I had DVR). I was so sad! I don't read Nie Nie's blog all the time, but every once in awhile I will. I loved the parts on Oprah that I did see. She truly is inspiring!

  4. Ha Ha I know what I'm getting for my birthday. It is a karaoke machine. I know what Emily is getting for her birthday too - a unicycle. I looked on your blog and I totally found out what it was. Hee, hee, hee. Love your birthday present finder outer daughter - Lindsey.

  5. Dear Lindsey, now I will have to change what you are getting, so it will be a surprise! Since when did you learn to read my blog? Did Grandma teach you?! Silly girl!
    love, mommy
